
Our purpose for ministering to 7th - 12th graders is:

  • To bring students to a relationship with Christ as Savior and King of all creation
  • To bring students to a deeper understanding of God and the Gospel through the Word of God
  • To build relationships with peers and mentors that facilitate growth
  • To model the reality of Christian living and serving within the church
  • To promote youthfulness and fun in the content that God has created students enjoy

Small Groups

Wednesday Night Worship

Student Worship begins at 6:00 p.m. each Wednesday night during the school year opening with fellowship and fun games in the gym and game room. Students are challenged each week to follow Jesus and to dive deep in their relationship with Him.

Sunday School

Sunday School begins at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday. Students are involved in small group Bible study during the school year and large group study during the summer months.

Coming Soon: Sunday Night Small Groups!

Stay tuned for more info soon about our new Sunday Night Small Group Studies!


Acteens is a missions organization for girls in grades 7 – 12 which meets on Sundays from 3:00-4:30 p.m. during the school year. Through acteens, teenage girls have opportunities to grow in their relationships with God and their peers. Acteens learn to look beyond themselves and become actively involved in missions and ministry.

Youth Bible Drill

During the school year, students commit scripture to memory while growing in their faith through our Bible Drill program. Students can participate in competition drills at the church, association, and state levels.

Seasonal Opportunities

An annual weekend event where we gather with students from other churches across Lauderdale County to spend time immersed in worship, fellowship, and small group Bible study discussions to deepen our relationship with Christ

  • SUPER SUMMER is a discipleship/evangelism leadership conference designed to provide qualitative spiritual growth and help develop student leadership in Mississippi churches. It's designed for students who personally have a desire not only to grow, but also to actively share their faith with other students.
  • GENERATE CAMP provides students with experiences where the name of Jesus is lifted up, where the Gospel is proclaimed through the preaching and studying of the Word, and where students are encouraged to take the next step in their faith journey. These experiences happen in times of personal devotion, in small group times of reading, listening, and responding, in group building and serving, in times of corporate worship, and in strategic times with our church group.

A weekend of fun, worship, and discipleship where we get away from Meridian and focus on our walk with Christ

For more info, contact Noah Greer - Associate Pastor for Students

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
