Values and Beliefs

H – Hospitality: We welcome all with Christ’s love to create a sense of belonging.

O – Obedience to God’s Word: We live by the teachings of the Bible as our ultimate guide.

P – Prayer: We connect our lives to God through prayer for guidance, wisdom, and discernment, and we intercede for others. 

E – Engage the Community: We share the redemptive hope of Jesus Christ through evangelism, missions, and service beyond our campus.

As a Southern Baptist church, we adhere to and agree with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, affirming among other things:

  • The Bible as God’s inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word
  • God as one being in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone
  • The Church as a community of believers baptized by immersion
  • Baptism & Communion as essential ordinances of faith

First Baptist Meridian is committed to be...

  • A Missions-Minded Church: we live out the Gospel by actively serving our city (locally), our country (domestically), and the world (internationally)
  • A Praying Church: we seek God’s will through individual and corporate prayer
  • A Giving Church: we generously offer our time, talents, and resources to serve others
  • A Worshiping Church: we give honor and adoration to God through praise & worship