FBC’s Children’s Ministry is all about GROWING.
We GROW during our Sunday School Ministry.
Each Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m., we have graded Sunday School from nursery to sixth grade. We watch our children grow as they learn the stories that God teaches them through His Word.
At 5:00 p.m., we have Bible Skills and Drills for children from 1st-6th Grade where our kids learn to use their Bibles and grow in their knowledge of scripture. Our Preschoolers are involved in Movers and Shakers, a special program geared just for them.

Young Bible Drillers, 2023
We GROW during our Music and Missions Ministries.
On Wednesday evenings after our Family Night Supper, our children participate in graded choirs beginning at age 3. We watch them grow as they learn to sing and praise God, and are introduced to instruments and worship. Choirs begin at 6:00 p.m. We also have Young Ringers, a handbell choir just for children.
Our Missions Ministries are also on our Wednesday night schedule at 6:30 p.m. Children learn about Missions – at home and all over the world – beginning at age 3 with Mission Friends. Our 1 – 6th grade girls participate in Girls in Action, a hands-on program to teach missions, make new friends and have some really fun activities. Our 1 – 6th grade boys participate in Royal Ambassadors, where they, too, learn about missions, leadership, enjoy camp-outs and other great activities. We watch out children grow through our Missions Ministry.

Mission Friends Spotlight

The GAs host a baby shower for the Center for Pregnancy Choices, 2024
Please pray for me and my daughter, Grace as we are looking for a local church.